COCUS beim Praxisforum Blockchain IoTCOCUS at the Blockchain Practice Forum
COCUS beim Praxisforum Blockchain IoTCOCUS at the Blockchain Practice Forum

Blockchain & IoT and what lies in the future

On 21 February 2019, the Blockchain Practice Forum collected the basics of state-of-the-art solutions for industry and commerce and invited to a conference in Munich. With exciting and innovative lectures and reports, participants and speakers from a wide range of industries were informed about use cases of the blockchain. Of course, the expertise of our COCUS experts could not be missing on this topic. With the lecture “Blockchain Use-Cases in the Internet of Things” our Sascha Hellermann explained to the interested listeners that blockchain is more than just a buzz word and why it is steadily gaining relevance, especially in autonomous IoT processes.

In addition, attendees learned how to apply blockchain in the IoT space and use it properly for projects.

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