Düsseldorf, Germany, November 28, 2019 – German software company files patent for first DSGVO-compliant blockchain solution for personal data to make identity management transparent and secure for all stakeholders.
ownid, a platform for the simple and data protection-compliant integration of user identifications, now allows each company to return sovereignty over personal data to its own users. The blockchain-based white label solution thus promises transparency and personalisation without A GDPR brake.
The software company COCUS AG has not been deterred by the hurdles of the GDPR regulation introduced last year and has developed a solution for decentralized and at the same time data protection compliant identity management. With the patent-pending solution ownid, digital identities of companies can be used for their own products and solutions. End-users retain the full power to act over their data and can decide which data is passed on for what and to whom. This allows you to achieve any degree of personalization while controlling your own data.
With ownid, users decide for themselves what data they want to share
Blockchain technology already used gdpr compliant today
When querying data, the user can now decide for himself which information he wants to provide to whom and can revoke this permission at any time. This secure and stable type of identity query is GDPR compliant, legally certified and promises a turnaround in digital identities. With ownid, blockchain technology can already be used in a GDPR compliant way.
More on the focus at COCUS.