In the industrial sector, 5G is often used in conjunction with the private 5G campus networks. These are also known as Mobile Private Networks (MPN). 5G campus networks are completely independent networks that are built for a specific area and can be used exclusively in that area. The first campus networks are already in operation at many industrial sites, creating benefits in three areas: Coverage, control and security.
Within a private campus network, consistent coverage is ensured across all defined premises. The owner has complete control over all aspects of the network, including prioritization and allocation of capacity for different use cases. In addition, he has prioritization in handling all data and can customize security policies. Many companies today use wired technologies (such as EtherNet/IP, Profinet or Profibus), often supplemented by Wi-Fi. But especially in large buildings, production sites, especially outdoors, or for flexible processes in motion, the area-wide coverage by 5G is particularly exciting to ensure optimized, automated and efficient production processes.
Want to learn more about campus networks, the possibilities and use cases, and build your own network? As IT enabler, we support you from licensing, software & hardware planning to the implementation of your own 5G solutions. Flexible and future-proof with our own OpenRan-based 5G Packet Core.