Provision of a private 5G network for ZF test track in Jeversen for research & development of autonomous vehicles
The 5G mobile private network from COCUS provides a high performance and stable transmission infrastructure for the ZF test track in Jeversen. A wide range of new technologies such as lane keeping systems, traffic jam assistants, highway pilots as well as fully automated solutions for connected driving are developed and tested. The private network enables real-time video transmissions & analysis of telemetry data securely and interference-free for efficient & effective product development.
Product Ownership
Agile Development
Lifecycle management
Support & maintenance
- Seamless handover and data transmission in real-time for a data exchange and direct evaluation of test runs
- Reduction of manual data processing for research & development for long-term cost reduction & enhanced product development

- Seamless handover and data transmission in real-time for a data exchange and direct evaluation of test runs
- Reduction of manual data processing for research & development for long-term cost reduction & enhanced product development