Eigenständiger Netzbetreiber 5G
Eigenständiger Netzbetreiber 5G

Being an independent network operator – what does that actually mean?

“Being an independent network operator” – what does that actually mean? It’s quite simple: building your own corporate network in the form of a 5G campus network and operating it yourself. And thereby also enjoy all the benefits that come with it: Independence, full coverage, security and control.

Become an independent 5G network operator on your own premises

5G campus networks are always the right choice when the available networks are not sufficient for your projects in terms of performance, range and stability.

The Federal Network Agency in Germany issues special 5G licences for the operation of stand-alone networks, which allocate each holder a specific 5G frequency range (between 3.7 and 3.8 GHz). Companies can then build a local network within this area. Area-wide coverage and the associated security are the cornerstone of these 5G networks. So if you decide to operate independently, the stability of the network and the control over data and processes in your network will contribute significantly to your independence.

Enjoy independence as an independent network operator

The 5G campus network has many advantages


In your own campus network, YOU decide where your network begins, instead of being guided by limited ranges. Neither “concrete blocks” nor remote areas or industrial parks “somewhere in the middle of nowhere” will cause you wireless gaps in the future. In the local 5G network, you are equipped with area-wide connectivity and can rely on the stability of your network – right down to the last corner.

The 5G campus network has many advantages


We build your campus network in such a way that your existing security system is supported and additionally secured. Access to your network is provided with high security standards and we are also happy to work out internal access rights systems for you. This means that all process and production-relevant data remains in your protected network and you don’t need to worry about security breaches.

The 5G campus network has many advantages


As an independent network operator, you can always gain insight into the performance of your network and maintain control over devices, machines and data in your private, local network. Data exchange between your Internet of Things (IoT) devices takes place solely via your campus network, so you can keep an eye on your entire infrastructure with a superordinate network.

Become an independent network operator now and reap the benefits of your own 5G network!

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