Successful prequalification: COCUS obtains AVPQ certificate for public contracts

We are pleased to announce that COCUS has successfully completed the prequalification procedure and is now listed as a certified company in the Official Register of Prequalified Companies (AVPQ) and the Hessian Prequalification Register (HPQR). This step strengthens COCUS’ position as a reliable and legally compliant service provider for public contracts in Germany.

What does prequalification and registration in the AVPQ mean?

Prequalification is a standardised procedure for companies and freelancers in the supply and service sector to be entered in the official list of prequalified companies for public contracts. AVPQ certification enables simplified participation in tendering procedures, less bureaucratic effort and more legal certainty as a prequalified company.

The AVPQ gives contracting authorities access to a comprehensive data pool without having to carry out additional checks. In the prequalification procedure, a comprehensive check ensures that companies are reliable and capable and provide all the necessary evidence and qualifications for public contracts.

COCUS obtains AVPQ certificate - advantages for public clients

The inclusion of COCUS AG in the AVPQ directory is an important step that optimally supports public clients and confirms our position as a trustworthy service provider for public contracts. By being listed in the AVPQ, clients can be sure that COCUS is not only technically competent, but also works at the highest organisational and legal level and can successfully and safely implement projects of any size.

Prequalification creates greater legal certainty for tendering and award procedures and offers several advantages:

COCUS creates transparency for public clients with prequalification

The prequalification for COCUS service areas, including network infrastructure, software development and data services, makes COCUS a reliable partner for industry-specific IT projects and digital solutions. Prequalification allows us to use our expertise even more efficiently and focus on what we do best – exploiting new opportunities and delivering high-quality digital solutions.

For public clients, this means transparency, reliability and efficient co-operation. We look forward to realising further innovative projects in the public sector in Germany in the future.

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