Splunk User Group Meeting? Of course we are there! But not only that, because this time COCUS was the host of the hybrid Splunk User Group Rheinland event. Our Data Experts and Enthusiasts welcomed the other participants on the evening of 07.08.23 at shortly before 6, who arrived at our location in the Prinzenhof in Düsseldorf as well as virtually.
With Gauri Bansonde Kulkarni and Niclas Steinert from COCUS AG and two other speakers from IT service provider SVA (System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH), the Splunk User Group dove deeper into Splunk’s Process Engine for process monitoring as well as into the area of Data Science with Splunk’s Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK). We have compiled the topics discussed and some impressions of the event for you:
Sum Up of this year's Splunk User Group Rhineland Meeting
Before things really got going, there was of course some time for networking and snacks. We then moved into the three scheduled sessions on the agenda:
2. Process monitoring – Splunk Process Engine
3. Data Science – Splunk MLTK
For the conf.23 Recap there was an update from SVA regarding the Splunk Edge processor as well as updates on the upgraded features on Splunk Enterprise Security.
After a coffee break, COCUS speakers Gauri and Niclas took the stage and addressed how to achieve process observability with Splunk. Then followed a live demonstration to show how the dashboard is getting updated with the changes in the status of the process. Many questions were asked – we were very happy to see the participants’ enthusiasm about the Process Engine!
The third session started after a short break, with the topic Data Science. On the part of SVA, algorithms have been presented on machine learning with Splunk MLTK. The many new and exciting insights of the Splunk User Group summer meeting were successfully rounded off with the last agenda item!
A successful Splunk User Group event!
The Splunk User Group summer meeting 2023 ended with a visit to a restaurant.
We have captured some insights of the Splunk User Group meeting for you and look forward to seeing you next time! We will let you know when the next event is coming up via our social media channels on LinkedIn and Facebook. Many thanks to Splunk that this year’s Rheinland summer meeting could take place at COCUS, it was a lot of fun to share our knowledge with the Splunk User Group!
Impressions of the Splunk User Group Rheinland Summer Meeting at COCUS
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