We are excited to look back on the first of hopefully many COCUS Golf Cups!
Last week Thursday, on 24.09.2020, in bright sunshine and fantastic weather, the COCUS and the COCUS Golf Cup 2020 golfers among our customers & partners went out on the green – together with two successful young ladies, from the women’s team of the 2nd Bundesliga. Because since last year COCUS AG supports the team of the GC Hummelbachaue as a sponsor.
Beginners, professionals and beginners met for Afterwork Golf on the beautiful course of the GC Hummelbachaue. For the experienced golfers, the tournament started at 4 p.m. over a 9-hole foursome with selection drive. Teams of two against two players went over the course. Bei dieser Spielvariante schlagen beide Spieler ab und mit der besseren Ballposition geht das Spiel weiter, bis der Ball eingelocht ist. The team with the fewest strokes wins.
For all those interested in golf, a taster course including tee-offs on the driving range was held in parallel by a professional golf trainer from the team. Thus, even the non-golfers were able to gain an insight into the sport and get to know a whole new kind of sore muscles in what is, after all, a more strenuous sport than imagined.
For the award ceremony, everyone came back together at the last hole to crown the tournament winners.
With barbecue food, exciting conversations and one or the other drink we let the first COCUS Golf Cup come to an end at sunset behind the golf course hills. What a beautiful day!
We are looking forward to next year. Im Frühjahr geht’s in die nächste Runde!
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